Godela v. Kirchbach, Mai 2002


This article gives a general introduction to existential analysis and logotherapy. First, it outlines the origin and the beginnings of logotherapy and existential analysis under Viktor Frankl in the 1930ies and it depicts its historical and philosophical background. Frankl’s three-dimensional concept of man is explained with the stress he laid on the third dimension. This dimension was defined by him and comprises the noetic or spiritual sides of man. In this dimension the search for meaning is grounded.

The article then goes on to describe the modern development under the auspices of the GLE in Vienna. This comprises foremost the elaboration by Alfried Längle of the four fundamental motivations as an anthropological framework for understanding behaviour and experience and for explaining psychopathologies. The search for meaning, on which Frankl put so much emphasis, comes at the fourth level. Secondly, the development of the Personal Existential Analysis by Alfried Längle produced a comprehensive psychotherapeutic procedure that can be applied for individual situations as well as for longer stretches of therapy.

Finally, the actual application and indication of the modern form of logotherapy and existential analysis are specified, and its actual form of organisation and and the various forms of training are mentioned.