Locations of engl trainings
English training seminars in EA in London
The London GLE-group is organizing a full training in EXISTENTIAL ANALYSIS psychotherapy in London in English language.
In 2022 started the first online course in psychotherapy including a master’s degree MSc – have a look for more information in https://www.gle-uk.com/
Online training in Russian language started 20th of January, 2019
A full training in existential analytical psychotherapy online started on January 20, 2019.
Once a year there is a personal meeting face to face for group self-experience, planned in Moscow. First meeting will take place in for 6 days.
For more information: EA-online.org
We have a special form of preliminary activity which is called “Familiarization with EA”. We make it regularly every week. I It is a good 1,5 hours webinar which is good to clarify what is EA and its main terms, methods and usefulness for each Person.
Further activities: see www.ieapp.ru
see agendas for the current planned events
Further information
Mihaela Launeanu mihaela.s.launeanu@gmail.com
Kari-Ann Thor kalthors@mac.com
Beth Daley daleylady@gmail.com
and Derrick Klaassen, M.A. klaass7@mac.com
A training in existential analytical psychotherapy and special seminars for professionals could be started if there is enough interest.
Please contact directly Christopher S E Wurm
MB BS FRACGP FAChAM FACPsychMed, Senior Consultant
Drug and Alcohol Resource Unit, Level 6, McEwin Building
Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
Email: wurmc4@me.com or: Alfried Längle, M.D., Ph.D. e-mail: alfried.laengle@existenzanalyse.org
Daniel Parker
5131 SW 38th Pl#36
Portland, Oregon 97221
e-mail: info@centerforexistentialanalysis.org
In 2022 starts an online training – get informed by https://www.centerforexistentialanalysis.org/
Other countries
Training of the adapted and developed way of Existential Analysis (including classical Logotherapy) and special seminars/lectures are actually available in (besides the german speaking countries) in the respective languages.
Lic. Laura Asid
e-mail: lauriasid@yahoo.com.ar
Please contact: Dr. mag. Gabriel Traverso, lic. mag. Michèle Croquevielle
fono 02/2740993
e-mail: g.traverso@gmail.com; m.croquevielle@gmail.com
or: gle@existenzanalyse.org
And get informed about their online training format in Spanish language!
(Tel.: ++41-2339193 E-Mail: milankosuta@yahoo.com )
(seminars and lectures only)
Czech Republic
SLEA, o.s.
Badeniho 1, 160 00, Praha 6, Hradčany
Tel. +420 245 008 296
e-mail: slea@slea.cz
Dott. Alejandro Velasco
Tonala 121- 403
Col. Roma Norte
México D. F. 06700
Tel.: ++(55) 5256 3328
CEMAEL – Instituto de formación
Ma. Elena Ramírez N. & Beatriz Ávila Amezquita
e-mail: analiza.egzystencjalna@gmail.com
and: Artur Wiśniewski artur.a.wisniewski@gmail.com
Address: Bucharest, 30th Maior Coravu Street, G3 Block, 9th Apartment, Ground Floor, 2nd Sector
Website: www.sael.ro
Director: Adela Ivanov, Dr., PhD, President,
Cristian Radu, Psh, Ing., MBA, Treasurer
Contact address (mail, phone): secretariat@sael.ro, cristian.marian.radu@gmail.com;
+40 740 101 322 (Adela) ; +40 756 209 089 (Cristian)
SAEL Bucaresti
Sector 1, Str. Alexandrina Nr. 26, RO-011442 Bucaresti
Slovak Republic
SLEA Slovensko
Exnárova 23
821 03 Bratislava
e-mail: info@slea.sk
web: www.slea.sk