English publications
There is the online journal “Existence” in English and Spanish since 2013 for free – to get access just click here
Alfried Längle
Alfried Längle – english papers: http://laengle.info
Selected writings of Dr. A. Längle
e-book compiled by Dr. Leslee Brown – free download –http://www.mindbodypassport.com/therapeutic-conversations
Asid Cardigni M L (2008)
Paula: The Rebirth of the Person
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 54 – 57
Bano A (2014)
Impact of meaning in life on psychological well being and stress among universitity students
Existenzanalyse 31, 1, 21-25
Ermakova E (2008)
Existential Fulfillment and Burnout among school teachers an human resources managers
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 81-82
Evstigneeva E (2015)
Opioid drug addiction and the fundamental existential motivations
Existenzanalyse, 32, 2, 107-110
Kokoszka A, Wiraszka-Lewandowska K, Sym A (2006)
Existenzanalyse 23, 1, 61-67
Konkoly Thege B (2005)
Konkoly Thege B (2005)
Relationship Between Meaning in Life and Some Health-Related Behaviors
Konkoly Thege B & Martos T (2008)
Konkoly Thege B & Martos T (2008)
Reliability and validity of the Shortened Version of the Existence Scale
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 70-74
Krivtsova S (2010)
The Phenomenon of Greed (Unwillingness to Share) in Five to Seven-Year-Old Children
Existenzanalyse 27, 2, 127-130
Längle A, Orgler C, Kundi M (2003)
Längle A, Orgler C, Kundi M (2003)
European Psychotherapy/Vol. 4 No. 1
Längle A, Orgler C, Kundi M (2003)
European Psychotherapy/Vol. 4 No. 1
Martos T, Konkolÿ Thege B, Steger MF (2010)
Martos T, Konkolÿ Thege B, Steger MF (2010)
It’s not only what you hold, it’s how you hold it: Dimensions of religiosity and meaning in life
Personality and Individual Differences 49, 863–868
Mathers M
The lived experience of personal and professional development in existential analysis.
Vancouver: Adler School, master thesis
Maynina I, Vasanov A (2011)
Standardization of the Existence Scale to the Russian Sample
Existenzanalyse 28, 1, 88-93
Maynina I (2008)
Adaptation of the Existence Scale to the Russian Sample
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 78-79
Mazonaité V, Skruibis (2014)
Relationship between Existential Motvation and Depression
Existenzanalyse 31, 1, 17-20
Muir B (2015)
Existenzanalyse 32, 2, 111-115
Orlinsky D (2008)
Orlinsky D (2008)
Comments on the State of Psychotherapy Research (As I see it)
Existenzanalyse 2008, 25, 1, 81-82
Osin E (2009)
Osin E (2009)
Subjective Experience of Alienation: Measurement and Correlates
Existenzanalyse 26, 1, 4-11
Skvortsova S N, Shumskiy V B (2014)
Skvortsova S N, Shumskiy V B (2014)
Existential-Phenomenological analysis of dependence in close interpersonal relatioships
Existenzanalyse 31, 1, 4-13
Stankovskaya E (2014)
To Say “Yes” to Oneself. Existential-Analytical Perspective on Autonomy
Psichologija Journal Vizshei Shkoli Ekonomiki 2014, 11, 4, 136-145
Stankovskaya E (2014)
Embodiment: Thoughts from an Existential-Analytical Perspective
Stumm G (2008)
Stumm G (2008)
The Person-centered Approach from an Existential Perspectivel
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 7 – 15
Sym A, Wiraszka-Lewandowska K, Kokoszka A (2006)
Sym A, Wiraszka-Lewandowska K, Kokoszka A (2006)
Corrective Experience of Values and Existential Fulfillment
Existenzanalyse 23, 1, 61-67
Taller A (2008)
Taller A (2008)
Different types of empathy indications in psychological practice
Existenzanalyse 25, 1, 79-80
Tomic W, Rebel A (2005)
Tomic W, Rebel A (2005)
Existential Fulfillment and Burnout among Principals and Teachers
Tomic W, Evers WJG, Brouwers A (2004)
Tomic W, Evers WJG, Brouwers A (2004)
Existential Fullfillment And Teacher Burnout
European Psychotherapy/Vol. 5 No. 1, 65-73 (The Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands)
Ukolova E M, Shumskiy V B, Osin E N (2014)
Ukolova E M, Shumskiy V B, Osin E N (2014)
Existenzanalyse 31, 2, 4-11
Kaplunenko Y. (2017) Impact of Psychotrauma on Existential Structure of the Personality. Existential-Analytical Approach to The Processing of Psychotrauma-Experience.
Каплуненко Я. (2017) Вплив травми на екзистенційну структуру особистості.
Екзистенціально-аналітичний підхід до опрацювання психотравмівного
досвіду / Я.Ю. Каплуненко//Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник
наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України.
– 2017. – Том ХІ: Психологія особистості. Психологічна допомога
особистості. – С. 166–174.
Davies G, Klaassen D, Längle A (2011)
The Purpose in Life Test (PIL).
Michalos A C (ed) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Heidelberg/New York: Springer
Kriz J, Längle A (2012)
Commentary. A European Perspective on the Position Papers.
Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 475-479. DOI: 10.1037/a0028027 – Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy
Kundi M, Wurst E, Längle A (2003)
Längle A (2014)
From Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy to Existential Analytic psychotherapy. European Psychotherapy 12, 67-83
Kwee JL, Längle A (2013)
Phenomenology in Psychotherapeutic Praxis: An Introduction to Personal Existential Analysis
Published electronically in: http://episjournal.com/journal-2013/phenomenology-in-psychotherapeutic-praxis
Längle A (2014)
From Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy to Existential Analytic psychotherapy. European Psychotherapy 12, 67-83
Längle A (2012)
The Viennese School of Existential Analysis. The Search for Meaning and Affirmation of Life.
Barnett L, Madison G (Eds) Existential therapy: Legacy, vibrancy, and dialogue. New York: Routledge, 2012, 159-170
Längle A (2011)
The Existential Fundamental Movitations – Structuring the Motivational Process.
Leontiev DA (Ed) Motivation, Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Hauppauge, New York: Nova, pp. 27-42
Längle A (2011)
Emotionality – an Existential Analytical Understanding and Practice.
Trnka R, Balcar K, Kuska M (Eds) Re-Constructing Emotional Spaces. From Experience to Regulation. Prague: Prague College of Psychosocial Studies Press, 2011, 41-62
Längle A (2009)
Längle A (2008)
The Process of Diagnosis in Existential Analysis (EA)
Bartuska H, Buchsbaumer M, Mehta G, Pawlowsky G, Wiesnagrotzki S (Eds) Psychotherapeutic Diagnosis. Guidelines for the New Standard. New York: Springer, 83-90
Längle A (2004)
Objectives of Existential Psychology and Existential Psychotherapy.
International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy 1, 1, 99-102
Längle A (2003)
Längle A (2003)
Burnout – Existential Meaning and Possibilities of Prevention.
European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 107-121
Längle A (2003)
The Search for Meaning in Life and the Fundamental Existential Motivations.
Psychotherapy in Australia, 10, 1, 22-27
Längle A (2003)
Längle A (2001)
Längle A (1999)
Existential Analysis – The search for an approval of life. Engl. translation of: Existenzanalyse – die Zustimmung zum Leben finden.
Fundamenta Psychiatrica 12, 1999, 139-1
Längle A (1998)
A short description of existential fundamental motivations. Engl. translation of a part of: Lebenssinn und Psychofrust – zur existentiellen Indikation von Psychotherapie.
Riedel L (ed) Sinn und Unsinn der Psychotherapie. Basel: Mandala, 1998, 105-124
Längle A (1993)
A practical application of Personal Existential Analysis (PEA) – a therapeutic conversation for finding oneself. Engl. translation of the German article in:
Bulletin der Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existentzanalyse 10, 2, 3-11
Längle A (1992)
What Are We Looking for When We Search for Meaning?
Ultimate Reality and Meaning, Toronto vol 1, 4, 306-314
Längle A (1990)
Existential Analysis Psychotherapy.
The Internat. Forum Logotherapy, Berkeley, 13, 1, 17-19 – part 1
Längle A, Klaassen D (2019)
Phenomenology and Depth in Existential Psychotherapy.
J Humanistic Psychology (paper not yet available for free download)
Längle A, Kriz J (2012)
The Renewal of Humanism in European Psychotherapy: Developments and Applications.
Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 430-436. DOI: 10.1037/a0027397 – Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy
Längle A., Orgler Ch., Kundi M. (2003)
The Existence Scale. A new approach to assess the ability to find personal meaning in life and to reach existential fulfilment.
European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 135-151
Längle A, Probst C (2000)
Längle A, Sykes BM (2006)
Viktor Frankl – Advocate for Humanity: On his 100th Birthday.
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 46, 1, 36-47
Schneider K, Längle A (2012)
Introduction: The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy: A roundtable discussion.
Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 427-429. doi: 10.1037/a0027111 – Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy
Schneider K, Längle A (2012)
The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy: Summary and conclusion. Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 480-481. doi: 10.1037/a0028026 – Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy.
Shumskiy VB, Osin EN, Ukolova EM (2017)
Psychometrics in pursuit of existence: A new version of the Test of Existential
Existenzanalyse 34, 2, 2017, 123-138
Shumskiy VB, Klimochkina AY (2018)
Religiosity and existential fulfillment of Muslims and Buddhists living in Russia.
Existenzanalyse 35, 2, 19-30
Ukolova EM, Shumskiy VB, Osin EN (2016)
What makes a good relationship? – Predictors of existential fulfilment in heterosexualromantic relationships
Existenzanalyse 33, 2, 102-108