Saturday, May 4th

Plenary moderation: Ingo Zirks

Plenary (livestream)

09.25-10.00 V1 Christoph Kolbe (D), History, meaning and understanding of biographical work in Existentialanalysis
11.20-11.40 V3 Claudia Reitinger (A), Biographical experiences as the basis of self- and world-experience – a case presentation

Sunday, May 5th

Plenary moderation: Franziska Linder and Esther Kohl

Plenary (Livestream)

11.50-12.10 V9 Markus Angermayr (A),The body as sedimented biography On the relationship between implicit, bodily knowledge and explicit, autobiographical memory
12.15-12.35 V10 Christiane Groß (D), On the existential-analytical understanding of the so-called “inner child”
12.40-13.00 V11 Ingo Zirks (D), Human Sexuality as Destiny and Challenge
14.35-14.55 V12 Karin Matuszak-Luss (A), When biography makes statements impossible
15.00-15.20 V13 Geertje Bolle (D), When the person seems to disappear … Shaping life in dementia
15.40-16.20 V14 Alfried Längle (A), Development – Maturation – Ageing in counseling and therapy The personal contribution to shaping life

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